APCs payment options

For articles accepted for publication, corresponding authors will receive an email, guiding them through the Next steps for publishing your article. If your selected journal is a fully Open Access journal or if you chose to publish Open Access in a hybrid journal, it will be determined if your institution has an agreement with Springer Nature. To check this at any time of the publishing process (including pre-submission), please visit our Funding for Open Access pages.

If your institution has an agreement with Springer Nature, the APC will either be partly or fully covered by them. If not, you will then be redirected to the payment page where you will either pay online by credit card payment or request an invoice for offline payment

Online credit card payments are acknowledged immediately via an online receipt, followed by an email including a paid invoice PDF for reimbursement purposes around 3 - 5 days upon payment capturing.

If you wish to pay offline, you must first request an invoice. The invoice will include instructions for offline payment (credit card or bank transfer). Please note that while we can quote a purchase order number on your invoice, we do not accept purchase orders as a payment method and that offline invoice payments may incur an additional administrative charge. Once the invoice has been requested it cannot be reversed.

Invoice PDFs should arrive within 3 - 5 days of your online request. If it does not arrive within this time frame please Contact Publishing Support. Please note that the invoice can only be emailed to the corresponding author.

Pay your invoice by credit card

Please follow the instructions for payment at the bottom of the invoice and contact the dedicated Credit Card email address, providing the number of the invoice you intend to pay for. Our Credit Card Team will then get in touch to organise the credit card payment with you. Please note that for PCI Compliancy purposes, we cannot accept credit card details by email, phone or fax.

Pay your invoice by bank transfer

Use the bank details which are located at the bottom of the invoice. Once payment is made simply email the invoice and your remittance slip to our AR Advice Team at ARadvice@springernature.com.

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