Export citations

Chapters, reference work entries and protocols

Users are able to export citations for chapters, reference work entries and protocols in: .RIS/.ENW/.BIB formats. We do not currently offer the export citation functionality at book level, but if you navigate to a chapter level you will then be able to export the chapters citation. It is something we may offer in the future; however, we don't have any firm plans for it at this time.

Use "Cite as":

Book chapter example with the "Cite as" link highlighted on the right hand side of the page.

This will automatically transition your display to the "Cite this paper" options and you will be able to download the format you need. These options can also be found by scrolling manually towards the end of the page:

Cite this paper example, includes full citation details needing to be included within a citation along with DOI number and downloadable format options: Ris, Enw or Bib


For articles, we are currently deploying a new page design for SpringerLink in order to align it with our other sites: Nature.com and BioMed Central. The new page design for journal articles only incorporates the most widely used citation file, .RIS, which is compatible with a wide range of reference manager applications. It will gradually be rolled out across all Journals on SpringerLink. 

Our citations files are computer generated from our published xml. They are offered as an aid to author's writing, but they may require editing in a text editor or reference manager application to suit the individual purpose of the author.

The "Cite this article" link can be found in the articles Content Page:

Article content page example with "Cite this article" clickable link highlighted midway in the page, below the name Authors and above the Abstract

Use "Cite this article" to be directed to the downloadable .RIS file and Citation information instantly. This file can also be found by scrolling manually towards the bottom of the article page.

We currently do not have a batch download service for .RIS citation files on SpringerLink, however we do send metadata for everything we publish to CrossRef. You can get .RIS format citations, along with other formats, from CrossRef - all you need are the DOIs of the works. A csv file of the first 1000 results of any search on Springerlink can be downloaded, and the resulting csv file will contain a column "Item DOI" which can be used with the prefix https://doi.org/ from The DOI Foundation to retrieve the citations from CrossRef.

It is not currently possible to export multiple entries to EndNote. We can only export one entry to EndNote at a time and not on the result pages. You will need to open each page to export each EndNote entry.

If you are interested in .BIB,  all of our published content is indexed by CrossRef website. CrossRef is able to provide an excellent API capable of producing Bibtex records for all content they hold (regardless of publisher). 

If you have further questions, please Contact Publishing Support.

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