Setting up Single Sign On (SSO) for SpringerLink using Okta

To set up SSO access using Okta for SpringerLink, please follow the instructions on the Single sign-on (SSO) access to SpringerLink support page.

To set up SSO access using Okta for Nature, please follow the instructions on the Single sign-on (SSO) access to Nature support page. 

Please follow the setup instructions and ensure that you send your SSO metadata to the Online Service team so that the setup can be completed. 

If you only need to set up SSO access for one of the two platforms, then you will see your institution name listed once on the relevant WAYF (Where Are You From) page (Nature WAYF and Springer WAYF). Your users will search for and select your institution name to go through to your institutional login page. 

However, if you have both Nature and SpringerLink set up with Okta, the behaviour on the WAYF pages will be different. The best user experience will be from using the OKTA homepage/app directly, or by using WAYFless URLS on your own site. (WAYFless URL set up instructions can be found here for Nature and SpringerLink)

The naming on our WAYF pages (Nature WAYF and Springer WAYF) is taken from the metadata associated with your entity id. If you have two entity ids (one for Nature and one for SpringerLink) and the display names within the metadata are the same, then your users will see your institution name listed twice on the WAYF pages. If they choose the correct one for that site, then they will authenticate; if not, it won't work. 

We recommend amending your entity IDs to avoid confusion (for example 'Company, Inc. (Springer)' & 'Company, Inc. (Nature)').

If you need any further support, please email (opens in your local email client).

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